Archives July 2020

Research, development, testing and presentation for BOS projects

Research, development, testing and presentation for BOS projects

TCRH Training Center Saving and Helping: interdisciplinary platform for universities, companies and users

When developing products and services for authorities and organizations with security tasks (BOS), the availability of operational scenarios plays a major role. They are an essential prerequisite for, among other things, being able to create feasibility studies, system concepts and carry out tests and simulations.

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Tactical self-protection of emergency services

Tactical self-protection of emergency services

New challenges for authorities and organizations with security tasks

The topic of “security” and the associated questions of tactical self-protection of emergency services have been changing in many ways for several years.

Examples of reasons include:

  • Classic conflicts between nations become conflicts between cultures;
  • well-known confrontation mechanisms become asymmetrical;
  • Perpetrators or groups of perpetrators can no longer be clearly identified;
  • State authorities and also dangerous people are in an escalating state of technological upgrading;
  • the subjective feeling of security deteriorates;
  • organized crime is increasing;
  • etc.

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