From emergency services for emergency services

The TCRH Training Center Rescue and Help offers education and training for emergency services. Designed by emergency services!

The TCRH is an educational institution for the recognition of educational time.

Focus: Authorities and organizations with security tasks (BOS)

Seminar rooms, conference facilities and all exercise scenarios are designed for authorities and organizations with security tasks (BOS). The application scenarios offered are for the areas Civil protection, disaster prevention and internal and external security.

Thematic offers

The usable training scenarios as well as the training, further education and training offers cover the following areas, among others:


All offers in the area of ​​education and training can be booked as independent events carried out by the TCRH. Alternatively, partial services from these areas can also be booked for TCRH guests' own events. Examples: you

  • would like a script for a (large) exercise
  • need an independent assessor for your (large) exercise
  • want to use mimes or disruptors, each with different requirements
  • must have a risk analysis developed for your exercise in advance
  • wish to make a technical exercise more attractive through a new scenario
  • would develop a basic training into several consecutive scaled exercises in real-world scenarios
  • need other organizations and specialist services to carry out their exercise project on a larger scale
  • want a new, not yet existing exercise scenario
  • require the measure to be implemented in another facility
  • would like an analysis/assessment from our experts on your own facility, workflows or project plans
  • etc.

The TCRH team, its specialist advisors and partner organizations or companies are available to you for this purpose. Please use our Contact form for a non-binding inquiry.

digital competence

Our face-to-face offerings are supplemented by online media and electronic learning systems. This means that visitors to training courses can easily explore subject areas in advance, regardless of time and location, or can also complete online learning success checks.

Anti-pandemic measures

Our recommendations for action for training, further education and further training under the conditions of a pandemic situation are online available.

Target groups

Some offers from the TCRH Mosbach are exclusively for authorities and organizations with security tasks (BOS) or military professional groups. We ask that you pay attention to the relevant information.