Education and training for emergency doctors and professional medical staff

For emergency doctors, the TCRH offers workshops, seminars, education, advanced training and training in cooperation with several speakers.

For prospective or existing emergency physicians, the TCRH is the platform for implementing what has been learned theoretically into practical exercises using realistic operational situations.

The Heringer Simulation team offers the following medical services
and medical education course formats in the field of emergency medicine:

American Heart Association (AHA) course formats

Course formats emergency doctor refresher

  • Megacode training
    4,5h half-day course (€119)

Individual training and advice

  • Simulation training
  • Communication
  • Patient safety


Heringer advice
4372 Ober-Ramstadt
Telephone: 06154 6387749

Further information at:

Register at:

Dates at TCRH:

Please note our Appointment calendar. Individual appointments are offered for closed groups. Please use the contact address above for inquiries.

American Heart Association Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS)

Megacode training

Please note the course offerings “Tactical self-protection" and "Tactical medicine"