First aid in educational and care facilities for children (DGUV-BG)

In order to recognize acute dangers for children and then be able to provide first aid in an emergency, we offer various courses on the topic of “first aid for children’s emergencies”.

With short information events about a practical fresh-up program for emergencies All needs are covered here, right up to a full-day course.

Target groups

  • educator
  • pedagogues
  • Childminders / childminders
  • Family members (parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, siblings)

Children are not always careful with all their activities and their urge to live and be active. Accidents, injuries and other emergencies are inevitable. But illnesses can also lead to an emergency. The principle is: keep a cool head and act decisively and correctly. Our child first aid courses are aimed at all educators, parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts, siblings, childminders and childminders. It doesn't matter whether you are an educator or only deal with children privately. We will provide you with the most important measures you can take to show responsibility for those entrusted to you in an emergency.

Course scope

The courses consist of up to 9 teaching units of 45 minutes each and take place from 08.30:17 a.m. to 00:XNUMX p.m.


Cost: 60,00 p.m. or free for participants through BG billing for full-time employees of kindergartens, after-school care centers, core time care or schools.


Public appointments are published under Events; Otherwise, appointments can be arranged at any time upon request (particularly applies to closed groups). If you have any inquiries, please contact Mr. Maik Heins,