TCRH Mosbach – interdisciplinary, cross-organizational and cross-service

The TCRH Training Center Rescue and Help offers education, continuing education, training, research and development for

• Authorities and organizations with security tasks (BOS)
• Organizations
• Research institutions
• Company
• Groups of people
• Individuals

among other things in the areas Civil protection, Disaster preparedness, inner and external security as well as concerns of other authorities.

The training and further education offers are provided digitally and in the form of real training.

Some offers are exclusively for authorities and organizations with security tasks.

The TCRH is an educational institution for Recognition of educational time.

Competence in security

The TCRH Mosbach is

Key points of TCRH offerings

In addition to basic training, emergency services are also offered further training. Organization- or specialist service-specific training is ensured through appropriate offerings, including in cooperation with external providers. Realistic, operational scenarios are offered for small groups, units and large units.

General subject areas are:

From emergency services for emergency services

The TCRH scenarios were designed by emergency services with many years of experience. The damage patterns therefore allow realistic training in all national and international operational situations.

TCRH Training Center Rescue and Help GmbH

The legal umbrella of the TCRH Mosbach is a GmbH, whose sole shareholder is the BRH Federal Association of Rescue Dogs e.V.

The object and purpose of the company is

a) the promotion of population and disaster protection in general;

b) the operation of training centers and practice areas for the training and further education of

a. Rescue dogs for rescue operations in the event of accidents and disasters, especially for searching for missing, buried or other distressed people in impassable terrain or in destroyed buildings, means of transport or similar places;

b. Rescue dog units for the aforesaid purposes;

c. Emergency services from the fire brigades, the Federal Agency for Technical Relief and all other authorities and organizations with special tasks (BOS organizations)

d. Emergency services, among others, from the areas of rescue and medical services, medicine, technical location, rescue/rescue and management;

e. emergency services in the area of ​​national and international humanitarian aid;

f. Emergency forces to protect the population in dangerous and disaster situations;

G. Emergency forces to prevent violent crimes and similar crimes.

c) the support of domestic and foreign public corporations as well as similar private law organizations or companies in national and international civil protection and disaster protection;

d) participation and/or management of the corporations, organizations and companies mentioned under b);

e) the promotion of research and development in all of the above-mentioned areas.

f) the procurement, storage and resale of intangible and material goods to carry out operations in all of the above-mentioned areas.

g) the support of units, public bodies and similar private law organizations in all of the above-mentioned areas.