Constitutional mandate to protect society and the state

Society and the state must be protected from threats that arise from within society itself: these are crime, extremism, terrorism and comparable threats. State structures fulfill this task through a constitutional mandate.

Population and disaster protection for internal security

The original concept of internal security has expanded significantly in recent years: population- and Civil protection, municipal security, corporate security, and the private security industry.

Prevention: Prevention is important

In addition to risk prevention, risk prevention is becoming increasingly important. Both require education, training and regular training from authorities and organizations with security tasks (BOS organizations).

The TCRH Training Center Rescue and Help grants through its Infrastructure and Services BOS organizations ensure high efficiency for such education and training measures.

TCRH: From emergency services for emergency services – across specialist services and organizations

Education, further education and training in the TCRH should Be realistic: All scenarios were created by emergency services for emergency services designed.

Training and education operations are available around the clock possible. The scenarios allow for highly efficient training operations Small groups, operational formations and large units.

Further information: