“Second Hit” and the protection of critical infrastructure

“Second Hit” and the protection of critical infrastructure

“Second Hit” and the protection of critical infrastructure

Clinics and medical care centers are increasingly threatened by individual perpetrators and attack scenarios

Critical infrastructures as a central topic of security policy

Facilities in the areas of energy and water supply, transport and traffic, information technology and telecommunications and, in particular, medical care are defined as “critical infrastructure”.

These facilities, their facilities or parts of them are essentially a functioning community. If a failure or serious disruption occurs, supply bottlenecks or a threat to public safety will result. The causes of such impairments can be natural events, technical and/or human error, intentional acts with a terrorist or other criminal background, and wars.

Regardless of this, failures of these are detrimental to the common good important institutions always have a psychological aspect that should not be underestimated Impact on the population.

In summary: Are critical infrastructures through? Disasters or man-made events such as If rampages or terrorist attacks are involved, this has far-reaching economic consequences and social consequences.

The second hit as a “booster” in terrorist attacks

Terrorist attacks are intended, among other things, to create a state of... trigger terror. The attack sites are often places where there are many people stop people.

In the case of a second hit or second strike, after that The first attack involved an even larger number of people, as well as emergency vehicles critical infrastructures are hit.

So far the second hit has been released on or in carried out in the immediate vicinity of the first attack site. Move back today time-delayed to the first attack, so to speak, as an extension of multiple / parallel stop positions, especially collection rooms, first aid stations and Hospitals are increasingly becoming the focus of terrorists.

This is intended to spread as much chaos as possible, At the same time, the individual emergency services but also the authorities and Organizations with security tasks (BOS organizations) are massively overloaded.

In focus: hospitals and medical care centers

Hospitals and other medical care centers are already easy targets for gunmen and terrorists during normal operation. Both their infrastructure and their staff are not up to this mark Prepared for situations.

In stressful operations, for example in the event of a mass casualty incident (MANV) after an initial attack, access controls for the delivery of patients or the arrival of volunteers are hardly possible or can only be carried out with great effort. The approach of checking potential patients for slings before transporting them to the first aid station or hospital is only part of a necessary package of measures.

Prevention is the best (insurance) insurance

The state's security policy, security strategies Companies or resilience strategies with volunteers or private people are intended to provide preventive measures but also to mitigate the consequences after damaging events.

However, hospital operators and those responsible must identify risks in advance, reduce them as much as possible and prepare well for unavoidable situations.

The TCRH Mosbach and its consultants offer this different approaches:

TCRH: Competence in Security

The TCRH Training Center Rescue and Help offers education, continuing education, training, research and development for

  • Authorities and organizations with security tasks (BOS);
  • organizations;
  • research institutions;
  • Company;
  • groups of people;
  • Individuals.

among other things in the areas Civil protection, Disaster preparedness, inner and external security as well as concerns of other authorities.

The Scenarios and training objects were designed by emergency services for emergency services and allow realistic training in damage situations. Specialists with many years of experience from a wide range of areas provide the necessary specialist knowledge.

The TCRH Mosbach is

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